Spring cleaning

I’ve been spring-cleaning!

This voice-over house has been pruned, tidied and is all ready to blossom- and the sun is shining up here in the gorgeous North East! It’s certainly been a very busy and productive 3 months since Christmas…!

Excited about…

-My new voicereel and refreshed website
-Attending more Voiceover Network events, with all the fantastic opportunities it brings to meet voice-over friends and experts, amazing opportunities to audition for and chat to fabulous producers and agents, glean top tips, share news and to have fun at the social events :o)

Lessons learned/remembered….

-Social media is to be embraced!!
– A reminder of the 3 P’s- Persistence, patience, perseverance, which are key in voice-over work- or in fact in anything in which you are determined to succeed.
-if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got! Be brave and step out from underneath that comfort blanket folks!

Proud of….

-The British Heart Foundation doing such fantastic work. It’s a privilege and pleasure to help in my own small way :o)

-Tallulah Love’s beautiful lingerie being stocked in Fenwick in recent months- knew you’d be a huge success! What a long way we’ve both come since we were introduced as young start-up businesses and traded services- yours truly providing the strapline for the promo in return for a couple of pairs of TL’s (very special) undies!!

-BQ Live’s increasingly successful Scottish Export Awards event- well worth a look if you know of a business to nominate for next year’s awards. It’s a real accolade, accelerates their international growth and does Scotland proud.

-The unique and very special North East for being such a hot-bed of creativity. Big shout-out to all the fantastic production companies, animators and corporate designers up here- you know who you are!

Funny moment…

Finding my 2 boys watching re-runs of “Blockbusters” and watching their little faces when I showed them not just the videotape (what’s that funny-looking box & how does it work, Mummy?!) but also my appearance as a contestant in 1986…. no gold run sadly but what a hoot and I still have the Psion organiser and sweatshirt somewhere…!!)

Self-confessed chocoholic that I am, this is a blissful week surrounded by choccie eggs till I.can.eat.no.more!


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